Past Events
Goldman Sachs x ASUC x HBSA
September 12th, 2024
HBSA partnered with the ASUC and Goldman Sachs to help students receive invaluable advice and networking opportunities for careers in finance!
First General Meeting (2024-25)
October 1st, 2024
HBSA hosted our first General Meeting of the semester, welcoming new associates and learning more about each committee!
Sports Marketing Panel
April 24th, 2024
HBSA's Athletic Integration Committee hosted panelists from the San Francisco Giants' marketing department for an evening of conversation and growth!
Haas Thank-a-Thon
February 1st
HBSA’s Philanthropy encouraged students to write thank you notes to our generous Haas donors while handing out free donuts!
Meet the Finance Clubs
January 24th
Hosted by Scholars of Finance and HBSA to meet 12 premier finance organizatins on campus.
Sustainable Careers in Business Panel
November 15th
HBSA’s Sustainability hosted panelists in fields from consulting to software who have incorporated sustainability into their careers.
EY Office Visit
October 27th
This office visit covered a full tour of their office, a speaker panel with EY professionals, and even food!
Hass-O-Ween Pumpkin Painting
October 26th
Haasies had the chance to paint their own pumpkin win gift cards for best paintings!
Business Trivia Night
October 23rd
We had a wild ride full of snacks, music, and questions on finance, Econ, LinkedIn, corporate culture and everything in between.
Mock Super Day
October 21st
HBSA’s Corporate Relations hosted a Mock Superday with professionals in McKinsey, Bain, UBS, Qatalyst, Deloitte, PwC, EY, Bank of America, RSM, Wipro, FTI, and more!
“You’ve Made it to Haas Now What?”
October 20th
HBSA’s Transfer Development committee brought in Haas seniors to give unique insights on professional development, student life, and social aspects of Haas.
PwC Case Competition
October 18th
HBSA Corporate Relations provided an opportunity to experience real-world decision-making while also gaining exposure to PwC professionals and industry leaders.
Halloween Clothing Swap
October 17th
HBSA Sustainability Committee hosted a Halloween Freecycle event for a FREE Halloween costume trade and to donate anything laying around your house.
Haasie Hangout
September 21st
Continuing students and transfers met at the glade to meet their classmates and friends for the next two years.