Haas Business Student Association

The Haas Business Student Association (HBSA) is the official undergraduate student government of the Haas School of Business. Under the support and guidance of the faculty and Undergraduate Program Office, HBSA works to enhance the undergraduate experience and advocate for the needs of the student body. It serves as an advisory body and represents all students enrolled in the Haas Undergraduate Program. HBSA’s goal is to promote activities that benefit the Haas community, students, faculty and staff.

HBSA Supplementary Application

General Questions

  • Which haas core value do you most embody and why?

  • Why do you want to join HBSA?

Committee Specific Questions


The Sustainability Committee of the Haas Business School Association (HBSA) is dedicated to advancing environmental stewardship and sustainability within our community. Our mission is to implement sustainable practices, promote the importance of environmental responsibility, and collaborate on impactful projects that reduce our carbon footprint. Some of the major projects you might see as an associate are the Earth Week Event, Sustainability Panel, and the Zero Waste Audit. By fostering a culture of sustainability, we aim to inspire and empower our members to make eco-friendly choices, ensuring a positive environmental impact for future generations. Join us in creating a sustainable future!


  • How can HBSA’s sustainability committee support your personal and professional growth in the field of sustainability and responsible business practices?

  • Are there any particular sustainability-related projects or initiatives you'd like to work on within the context of our club or in your future career?

Student Organization

Student Organizations hopes to establish a clear line of communication between Haas-Sponsored Organizations and the UG office. We aim to foster an inclusive and collaborative environment for our HSOs to maximize support and success of their initiatives while contributing to a healthier business community at Berkeley. Main projects include a Business Forum in the Spring to assist HSOs with recruitment, improvement of the new common application for the 2024-2025 application cycles, and our liaison program where each associate is assigned an HSO to directly support.


  • Why are you interested in the Student Organization committee and what experience do you hope to gain? (Max 200 words)

  • What are your communication approaches when working in team settings?

  • Are you in any Haas Sponsored Organizations / plan to join any?


The Philanthropy Committee works directly with the Haas office to create fundraising and philanthropy awareness within the business and alumni community. The fundraising goes directly towards the Haas fund, which supports student activities, teacher retention, and alumni resources. Our past events have included Big Give, which raised $1.4 million dollars for Haas in one day. The philanthropy committee offers its associates event planning, early leadership, and direct impact opportunities in a fast-paced and enriching environment. We aim to establish onset donating behaviors and campus presence within the student body with creative events and consistency!


  • The Philanthropy Committee seeks creative individuals who take initiative. Describe 2 new philanthropy initiatives that you can implement into the committee and the logistics within each idea. (200 words max)

  • Describe your approach to engaging the Berkeley Business community and your experience in building awareness in your personal communities. (100 words max)

  • In philanthropy, we have a goal setting culture. Describe a motto that you aim to live by and how it has guided you in your life thus far. (100 words max)

MBA & Alumni Relations:

HBSA's MBA & Alumni Relations Committee aims to foster social, professional, and personal development through connections - encapsulating undergrads, alumni, and the MBA community. We do this by engaging with MBA leadership and the Haas Program office to host a variety of fun and professional events every year. In the past, we’ve put on special discount group tickets to local NBA games with the MBAs, industry-based conversation opportunities for undergrads to connect with MBAs and Alumni, and post-grad prep related to both deferred and general MBAs. Join this committee if you care about creating community, particularly in relation to higher education and alumni!


  • From these three terms (leadership, impact, intentionality), which one resonates with you most and why? Tell us about any previous experience(s) that helped shape your perspective on the word you selected.

  • Please tell us about an undergraduate alumnus from Haas you respect and admire. What qualities or achievements make them stand out to you? Note: this individual does not need to be a personal connection, feel free to do some research on Haas alumni to answer this question. (150 words max)


The Marketing Committee is in charge of all HBSA social media channels and creates infographics for our events, produces engaging content featuring students and faculty, and shares valuable resources and advice for academics, career development, and beyond. We aim to is to keep our Haas community informed, connected, and inspired with the various forms of content and media we create!


  • How do you prioritize and manage your workload when faced with multiple deadlines? (200 words max)

  • Please describe one initiative or idea that you would like to implement for marketing committee this semester. (200 words max)

  • Please link your marketing portfolio below and ensure that anyone has access to it.

Corporate Relations Committee: 

HBSA’s Corporate Relations Committee is responsible for creating direct touchpoints for the student body to meaningfully interact with corporate sponsors and recruiters. Some of the events we host include office visits in San Francisco, Mock Super Days, Case Competitions, and more. Through these events, associates will be given the opportunity to work closely with recruiters and higher management at top firms, strengthening Haas’s relationships and showcasing Berkeley talent. Throughout the semester, associates are expected to embody the Haas core values and will be given the opportunity to be appointed lead of an event based on their performance. The purpose of the Coporate Relations Committee is to provide experiential learning opportunities for students to build their resumes and create more opportunities for students to take advantage of for recruitment. 

Strong candidates for the Corporate Relations Committee possess a majority of the following qualities:

  • Capacity to perform effectively in high-pressure situations

  • Possess an innovative and adaptable approach to problem-solving

  • Are reliable and collaborative within a team setting

  • Exhibit professionalism throughout client interactions

  • Proficient in public speaking


  • Being a member of the Corporate Relations Committee requires various skill sets to execute client calls, manage large databases, and more. What skillsets can you contribute to help us plan and execute successful and meaningful events? (250 words max)

  • What is a professional development event you’d like the Corporate Relations Committee to host? Walk me through how you would go about execution and incentivizing students/our corporate partners to participate. (250 words max)

Strategic Initiatives Committee

HBSA's Strategic Initiatives Committee is responsible for developing special projects in conjunction with the Haas administration and provides internal strategic services for other HBSA committees. Strategy Associates perform a wide variety of tasks, working flexibly between many committees and the President/EVP to ensure that HBSA is maximally effective in serving the business community. Strategy Associates are also expected to take on an approved personal project throughout their tenure in the Strategic Initiatives Committee to improve the quality of life for Haas undergraduate students. Applicants to the Strategy Associate position must be current students in the Haas undergraduate program. Students who are pre-Haas or not otherwise declared in the program will not be considered.

Strong candidates for the Strategy Associate position possess some or all of the following qualities:

  • Logical and pragmatic problem-solving skills

  • Effective communication skills, including strong writing, decking, and presentation abilities

  • Proficiency in analytical tools, such as R, Python, and Excel

  • Primary and secondary research skills

  • Exceptional professionalism


  • Please describe one strategic initiative project you would want to carry out throughout the semester and the steps you would take to accomplish your goals. (250 words max)

  • What skills or experiences do you believe make you the most qualified for this role? (150 words max)

Student Affairs:

The Student Affairs HBSA Committee is responsible for fostering and maintaining a strong culture within the Berkeley Haas undergraduate college. Through two sub-committees, Student Development and Student Life, Student Affairs oversees the implementation of events and initiatives aimed to support the professional and academic development of students, and to foster a strong sense of community, respectively. Student Affairs associates are responsible for organizing, planning, and creating events for the Haas student body. They are expected to interact with other Haas students, faculty, and Haas administration to achieve these ends. Events and initiatives hosted by Student Affairs in the past include the Haas Mentorship Program, Pre-Haas Student Panels, Haas Social by the Glade, and Pre-Haas Essay Editing Workshops.


  • Why are you interested in joining the Student Affairs Committee & what do you hope to contribute as part of this committee? (200 words max)

  • Share your ideas for organizing events, activities, or initiatives that would bring together students from different backgrounds & foster a strong sense of belonging within the Haas community. (200 words max)

  • "Which of the following sub-committees would you like to be considered for? (Select all that apply)

    Student Development: Focuses on the professional and academic development of Haas students through peer mentorship programs, student panels, and professor connections.

    Student Life: Responsible for establishing a strong sense of belonging and inclusion among Haas students through community-centered events and fun bonding activities (ex. socials in the courtyard, holiday-themed events)."

  • Would you like to be considered for the Committee Lead position in the committee(s) selected above?


Haas boasts a diverse student body with varied interests and backgrounds. The Integration committee aims to unite these unique students and strengthen collaborations across special programs of athletes, MET, Spieker, GMP, and LSBE, as well as all Haas students. Associates will work to enhance the academic experience through engagement events and resources working in collaboration with program liaisons. Throughout the year, we will facilitate ongoing initiatives such as the Cross-Program Buddy Program, workshops with alumni and industry professionals, as well as social events to foster bonding. Other initiatives will include a centralized resource hub, town-halls, and maintaining communication channels.


  • What do you believe is an area of improvement and/or needs that need to be addressed for integrating and uniting the Haas student body? (150 words max)

  • Suggest an initiative that can better facilitate connections between students from different academic programs and years within Haas. (200 words max)

  • What does being a part of a community, large or small, mean to you? Please answer with an example. (150 words max)


The Technology Committee oversees the HBSA website and newsletter, updating various pages as needed and sending out important information to all Haas students on a weekly basis. It can be difficult to keep up with all the exciting events going on in the Haas community, and HBSA hopes to be a hub for information and opportunity. To support this goal, our team is responsible for ensuring that our digital platforms are accessible, informative, and up-to-date!


  • What are 3 important qualities that you bring to the table? (150 words max)

  • Please highlight one experience that you believe has prepared you to be an Associate on the HBSA Technology Committee. (150 words max)

  • Please share one idea that you have to improve the HBSA website, newsletter, or Technology Committee in general. (150 words max)

Transfer Development

Transfer Outreach serves the purpose of giving back to the larger transfer community interested in joining Haas by creating resources and opportunities to support them in their application process. Outreach events would include hosting case competitions, facilitating panel in Envision Haas (admission outreach program by the Haas Undegraduate Office) and essentially being a role model and mentor for Community College students. Thus, Transfer Outreach serves as the support system for prospective transfer students. 


  • Are you a transfer student? To apply for this committee, you must be a transfer student.

  • What is the school you transferred from?

  • As an transfer student, what is something that you think could be improved upon in the process of transferring to Haas? How would you work to solve this problem through a committee initiative? (200 words max)

  • How would being part of the transfer development committee support your overall growth? How would you support the growth of the transfer community through this position? (200 words max)

  • "Which of the following committees would you like to be considered for? (Select all that apply)

    • Outreach Committee: Focused on outreaching to community college / prospective transfer students, hosting case competitions, supporting Envision Haas, etc.

      Integration Committee: Planning and creating events that strengthen bonds within the Haas transfer community and connect them with the overall Haas & campus community"

  • "Would you like to be considered for the Committee Lead position in the committees selected above?

Professional Development

The Professional Development Committee aims to expose Haas students to the myriad opportunities available for their careers. We coordinate with top corporate firms to organize and host information sessions, often partnering with other clubs to bring unique opportunities onto campus! These sessions provide valuable insights into various industries and career paths. Additionally, we compile corporate opportunities, including job openings and diversity programs, for the weekly undergraduate newsletter. Our goal is to equip students with the knowledge and connections needed to thrive in their professional journeys. Our goal is to have Haas students stay informed and engaged with our regular updates and events.

  • What skills or experiences do you believe make you the most qualified for this role? (150 words max)

  • What ideas do you have for new events/initiatives that could enhance the professional development opportunities for UC Berkeley students? (150 words max)

  • How do you stay updated on industry trends and opportunities that would benefit UC Berkeley students? (150 words max)


The HBSA’s Entrepreneurship Committee aims to support student ventures by organizing startup speaker series, fostering collaboration with accelerators programs and other student organizations on campus, and securing angel investor fundings. We empower student entrepreneurs across all industries, solidifying HBSA's position within the entrepreneurial network.

Our committee embraces the innovation within our community and provides a pathway for students to make their ideas a reality. Our goal is to help students build the essential skill sets needed to explore the VC/startup space. Whether you have prior experience or are passionate about learning more about entrepreneurship, join us on this exciting journey!


  • Can you describe a successful experience pitching to startups or sponsors to secure funding or resources for a project/organization? Explain how you effectively communicated the value proposition and secured support. If you haven't pitched for funding before, how would you approach this process? (200 words max)

  • Can you describe a specific project or initiative where you were responsible for managing funds allocated by investors or sponsors? How did you approach budgeting, and what strategies did you use to ensure efficient use of resources? If you have not managed funds or allocated resources in the past, how would you approach this process? (150 words max)

  • If you were to design and implement a digital resource portal on the HBSA website for entrepreneurs, what key features and resources would you prioritize to make it a valuable hub for students? How would you ensure the portal remains relevant and useful over time? (150 words max)

  • Please share one word that best describes each of the following:

    1) Best describes your personality

    2) Your greatest skill

    3) Your favorite word for all time

    Have fun with this!"

  • (Optional) Please link any previous pitch decks or relevant resouces that you would like to share prior/during the interview


The sponsorship committee is responsible for leading our committee in reaching out to potential corporate sponsors to support a wide variety of HBSA events and initiatives. You will be working with committees in HBSA, including Corporate Relations and DEI, for their respective events. Whether it be case competitions, speaker events, or even open socials, we will strive to ensure that HBSA has the resources necessary to reach and impact our student community in Haas and beyond.


  • The Sponsorships Committee focuses heavily on conducting outreach and communications with sponsors in supporting HBSA's various events. What skills or experiences do you believe make you prepared to take on the role of a sponsorships committee associate? (150 words max)