Business Careers in Entertainment Club
Business Careers in Entertainment Club (BCEC) is a UC Berkeley Haas-sponsored student-run organization of 150+ members. Founded in 2008, we deliver broadband solutions to media and entertainment industry leaders across 11 sector-based concentrations: Music, Film, Media, Digital Marketing, Fashion, Video Games, Sports, Beauty, Television, Technology, and General Membership! Consequently, we cultivate industry-focused professional development and community within our members.
If you are a New Applicant, meaning you have not been in BCEC for one full semester, you are required to answer two Committee and/or General Membership questions on top of the general question
Returner Applicants are those who have been in BCEC for one full semester. Whether you’re applying to your former Committee, or another committee, you are only required to complete one question on top of the general question. If you are a returner applying to General Membership, you are required to answer both General Membership questions. However, please submit your application within the Returner Application portal to know you are a returner applicant.
BCEC Supplementary Applications
General Membership Sector Application
New Members Application
Returning Members Application